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Si, yes, this site is Water Tight. It is the very Tightness of this site which makes it the perfect venue to explore Being Water Tight.
posted by D.S. Monoclonius 11:02 PM


This site is dedicated to an understanding of Being Water Tight and is driven forward by the desire to Be Water Tight.

Many of you know, and some may be interested to learn, that over the past several months I have been developing a General Theory of Water Tightness, a philosophy of the Water Tight. I have had several breakthroughs and no little insight into the intricate issues involved with Water Tightness, but no final determination. It is in a spirit of hope then, of anticipation, and of desire to understand, that I turn to you for assistance. Let us together understand Being Water Tight. Let us strive toward Water Tightness. Let us Be Water Tight.

There was a period of time in the fall when I fell far short of Water Tightness. Woefully short in fact. Frustrating and diverting as this time was, I would wish that sort of ongoing, low simmering crisis on no one. However, it has given me an appreciation of how important it is to Be Water Tight. This realization, which might seem immediately evident to you, came to my notice only piecemeal and after much struggle. Since that time I have been creating and recreating Water Tight networks in most every aspect of my life. This can, I believe strongly, be accomplished on an individual as well as a more comprehensive level. We can and should seek to achieve Water Tightness domestically, in conversation, at leisure, rest, and work, and no doubt in all of our respective and multivariate pursuits. But understanding Being Water Tight, and learning to recognize moments of Water Tightness, is the task to which I dedicate this site.

I encourage you to contribute to this site frequently and at great length. Please share your understanding of Being Water Tight. Are you currently or have you been Water Tight? Was it fleeting or sustainable? What is it like? Share your Water Tight moments with us, no matter how insignificant they might seem at the time. It is only from the cumulative weight of these moments, these Water Tight networks, that a General Theory will emerge.

If you would like to create new, alternative Water Tight networks with others, in order to strengthen our collective understanding of the Water Tight, please let me know who should be included (with email address) and I will add the person onto the list. We should and must expand and yet we must maintain Water Tight integrity of the project at all times.

[This site itself, incidentally, is the result of a Water Tight moment that stretched over several days and involved The Eziest of Ds, AP Farm, and myself. To detail the precision of this Water Tight moment might equate to piercing it, so I will leave it at that.]

Some questions to consider, perhaps: What does it mean to Be Water Tight? Is this a condition, a stricture, a requirement, a promise, a salutation, or a goal? Is it individual, interpersonal, systemic, national, psychic, emotional? Is it a mindset, an attitude, a stance, or an ideology? Can one be Water Tight, or only strive toward it? Are there gradations of Water Tightness, or is it a solitary state? What is Water Tightness and how does it relate to Being Water Tight? What are the means of getting Water Tight? What is the result? What are the advantages of Being Water Tight, and the consequences of falling short of Being Water Tight?

Are you Water Tight?

posted by D.S. Monoclonius 2:22 PM
